25 thoughts on “60562

  1. It is amazing you share your work step by step.

    Just curious… How long did it take to you to create such a masterpiece?!

    Simply brilliant!

  2. Hey, just wanted to say thank you for posting the step by step. Made me see what you are doing and inspired me for my own work. Is there a write up on what kind of tools/brushes that you are using. For instance im interested in how you created that background for the photo manipulation.

  3. Can you please make a tutorial of how you did this I would love to know please.And thank you really nice work

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the WIP step by step. It’s wonderful to see how such a piece has been constructed from the very beginning.

  5. Progress shots’re just brilliant. Shows how much more effort you put into this piece of art. It makes the art much more valuable.

  6. you’re an amazing artist…thanks for sharing some of the steps how you create your masterpieces. best, calisto

  7. Amazing work!!

    The way you mix mediums like that defy reality!
    keep the masterpieces coming!


  8. Jestem ostatnia, ktora z rozmilowaniem wgapia sie w cycki Rad :))) ale oryginalna fota powalila mnie chyba jeszcze bardziej, niz efekt koncowy (bez biusu ;-)
    pozdrawiam cieplo!

  9. This is an amazing piece of art. Great composition, you understand your craft.

    Thank you very much for the Wallpaper. :-)

    greetings Helmut

  10. A gorgeous work.. Hats off..
    Can you make a tutorial for your work..
    Or reveal the kinna resources you use..
    I’d love to imitate your gougeous DESIGN!
    I big fan o’ ya art!

  11. Pingback: Research « emilyv18
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